Saturday, April 9, 2011


I fear my story for tale,
For yet, not a sweet to garnish,
A story of life, like a mine,
But where and when did it start?

The quest for happiness, I’m set,
In work, love and family,
With miles and more every step,
But did I find none? No!

I found it all in a cheering grip,
Applauding to the fit, instead of the hold,
Perhaps, just two hands I can boast,
But with none, what’s grip and applause?

I fight the battle of love with life,
Forcing to live when I can’t live a love,
Just the part that I love to hate,
But I’m sure the story isn’t ended yet.

To patch a hole, you’ll see a hole,
To replace a friend, you’ll find another,
The same of things you believe and yet fear,

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