Monday, July 31, 2023

Nonso Nkwa being held for criminal libel, says Imo Govt
Imo State Government has debunked the speculation that it ordered the arrest of a radio presenter, Nonso Uba, because of his criticism of the Governor Hope Uzodimma administration.It explained that rather, the Police in Abuja arrested him on allegations of criminal libel bordering on threat to state security.

The Commissioner for Information and Strategy, Hon Declan Emelumba in a statement in Owerri regretted that commentators have been blinded by emotions, such that they have completely ignored the alleged offence of the radio presenter.

He noted that neither the style of his arrest nor the contents of his radio programmes was the issue but the defamatory statement by Mr Uba that Governor Hope Uzodimma and Alhaji Asari Dokubo were responsible for the killings in Imo State.

According to Emelumba, the government as a law abiding institution sought the help of the police to investigate and substantiate the veracity or otherwise of the allegations.

“His Excellency swore an oath through the constitution to protect lives and property of the people and here you have someone accusing him of breaching that oath which is an impeachable offence. It is only natural for the institution charged with investigation to look into the matter,” he said.

The Commissioner noted that since it is trite in law that he who alleges should provide proof, it was necessary for the police to invite Uba to prove his allegations.

He said that nobody should teach the police how to go about their assignment, insisting that those who arrested Uba were in uniform and didn’t hide their identity.

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