Wednesday, December 27, 2023

Men of the Rivers State Police Command, have raided a criminal hideout, arresting two kingpins, and recovered arms and ammunition after an attack at Odani junction in Elelenwo in Obio-Akpor Local Government Area of Rivers State.

It was gathered that the command received a formal complaint from a victim who had been robbed of his valuables at Odani junction in Elelenwo by a group of armed men.

The complaint of an armed robbery attack at the junction according to a statement by the State Police Public Relations Officer, Grace Iringe Koko was in series from different people.

She said, that in response to this, the State Commissioner of Police, CP Tunji Disu, immediately tasked the Anti-Kidnapping Unit to flush out the armed robbers from the area.

The unit according to the statement carried out stop-and-search operations and placed the area under surveillance.

The Police spokesperson, said, the operations of the police team led to the arrest of one Azubuike Orji, 27, a native of Arochukwu in Abia State, who claimed to be a bus conductor.

She disclosed that the suspect, who was released from the Nigerian Correctional Service a few months ago, was arrested with a locally made pistol and has confessed to be working for the leader of the armed robbery syndicate, Anthony Augustine. He also revealed that his specialty in the gang was peddling drugs and servicing guns.

In a related investigation, the police tracked a reported stolen device to an auxiliary nurse who turned out to be the wife of the armed robbery gang leader. Further interrogations led to the discovery of a 7-room brothel located in Odani, Elelenwo, that served as a hideout for members of the syndicate.

“On December 10, 2023, the gang leader, Anthony Augustine, 22, was arrested at Green City Estate in Odani, Elelenwo, amidst widespread jubilation from residents as he and his gang had been a terror to the community. Items recovered from the suspect include an iPhone XX, suspected packs of marijuana, POS machines, and locally-made pistols.”

“The leader confessed to running the brothel as a guise for his underworld activities. Further investigation revealed that he was wanted for murder and robbery and had recently been released from a correctional center”

Investigations are still ongoing as the police seek to arrest other members of the syndicate.

The Commissioner of Police, CP Tunji Disu, celebrated the efforts of the men of the Anti-Kidnapping Unit and encouraged residents of Rivers State to promptly report crime as it happens to enable the police to apprehend criminals and nip crime in the bud. He also warned the public against buying used items, especially phones, regardless of how cheap they are, citing that such purchases can lead to more significant problems.

He further counseled young people to desist from seeking to make wealth using dishonest means as they will be at the mercy of the law when caught.

He reiterated that the Rivers State Police Command will not stop pushing to apprehend every suspect on the command’s wanted list and to rid the state of crime.

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