Sunday, May 30, 2010

The unknown writers

Writing has been and will keep being more than picking up a pen and a sheet of paper to put down words, or punching the keys on the keyboard of a computer to put down words.
How ever, it involves talent, which everyone is not privilaged to have. Since the shop next to our house can fetch us a ball pen and a big note book for what ever we want to write, that online store can still fetch you a computer if you prefer it to pen and paper. but what will fetch you the talent to write?
I'm still waiting...!
Talents are being wasted today more than ink and paper, and we all sit and nothing is done. Just like i once thought, we were all created with two hands and two legs, meaning to every man, there are four things to be moved. How many have you moved? Some people only use their right hand, others depend on their left. For all these people, each is leaving three things undone and would it be a crime if another man tries to move and extra thing or even two or more? Okay that was by the way.
Now for the unknown writers, their works are every where, they are not known untill they're recognized by one coincidence or luck, what ever. Frustration for them to leave their works with publishers because of price, while some others have lost right to their work for a pea nut, with the hope that the next will be a hit.
Unknown writers are the vendors of hope, frustration and above all faith. But for those that exploit them, is this really business or crime. The unknown writer does not have a voice, but this could be his plea.