Tuesday, June 6, 2023

Why We Insist On Global Promotion Of Nigerian Made Goods - Buchi George
Made in Nigeria goods have what it takes to do well at the global stage according Hon. Nwabueze Buchi George who is the president of Globe Chambers of Commerce.

Through their Nigeria Economic Cooperation and Business Development Forum, Buchi George said that Nigerian Made Products need just the platform to thrive at the global stage.

He said that with the Nigeria Economic Cooperation And Business Development Forum 2023 they are strategically positioned to project Nigerian Made goods globally.

“The event is designed to create a global showcase for Nigeria made goods, brands, products and services”


Another arm of the Nigeria Economic Cooperation and Business Development Forum is the Nigeria Made Goods, Brands, Products & Services, Fair Exhibition And Expo which will create global access for locally made goods by supporting the international supply chain in the global market 

“So far we have booked for Kuwait and Indonesia and we will keep creating more strategic access for our products because we believe they can make it out there”

“Programs like this will not only benefit the manufacturers, but will also benefit local consumers who will be buying export standard products in the country”

“This new standard will further create a greater rating for Nigeria around the world”, Buchi George said.

The events schedules are as follows.

- Kuwait City, Kuwait. 28th - 30th August 2023 

- Jarkata, Indonesia 28th - 30th September 2023 

Intending participants are to register on the official website  www.nigeriaecbdforum.com. 

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